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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Best Compound Exercises (weight training)

Here's a great list of compound exercises you can start doing to
build lean muscle and start melting that fat away, you can google any of these exercises and most likely find a trainer executing these movements properly or let someone who is qualified show you.
I mentioned in my last blog to do 20 min intensity training 3-4 days a week, that is all the cardio you will need

I haven't talked about core strengthening yet, you want to add that in there for sure but same principle applies, all weight assisted 10-12 reps, 6-8 sets, 1- 2 times a week, don't think for a minute your taking it easy on your abs, one of the reasons why compound exercises are so good is they work multiple muscle groups at once and most all of them involve your core.

It's a misconception that you need to do hundreds of crunches to get a good ab workout, this is simply not true.

Limit your weight training workout to 45 minutes to and hour, over training will have adverse effects...more is not better, in my last blog we went over muscle catabolism; you don't want to risk it.

The Best Chest Exercises

Barbell Bench Press (flat, incline or decline)
Dumbbell Bench Press (flat, incline or decline)
Dips (with slight forward lean)
Chest Press Machine (flat, incline or decline)
Dumbbell Flyes, Cable Crossovers

The Best Back Exercises
Pullups & Chinups
Lat Pull Downs
Bent Over Barbell & Dumbbell Rows
Seated Cable Rows
T-Bar Rows
Chest Supported Machine Rows

The Best Leg Exercises (Quads)
Back Squat
Front Squat
Leg Press
Split Squat
Step Ups
Leg Extensions

The Best Leg Exercises (Hamstrings)
Romanian Deadlift
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Glute-Ham Raises
Leg Curls
Good Mornings

The Best Shoulder Exercises
Overhead Barbell Press (seated or standing)
Overhead Dumbbell Press (seated or standing)
Arnold Press
Overhead Press Machine
Lateral Raises
Front Raises

The Best Arm Exercises (Biceps)
Barbell Curls
Dumbbell Curls (seated or standing)
Preacher Curls (barbell or dumbbell)
Incline Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Cable Curls

The Best Arm Exercises (Triceps)
Close Grip Bench Press (flat or decline)
Laying Triceps Extension/Skull Crushers (flat/decline, barbell/dumbbell)
Overhead Triceps Extension (barbell or dumbbell)
Cable Press Downs

The Best Ab Exercises
Weight assisted cable crunches
Hanging leg lifts
Weight assisted crunches (flat, swiss ball or on incline bench)
Weight assisted leg lifts (while laying flat on back)

Stay hungry for what you want.

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